Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks Founder Finally Caught and Denied Bail

This story stemming from reuters.com explains the capture of Julian Assange, a man authorities in the U.S., England, Sweden, and many other countries, have been trying to track down for months. The controversial documents he leaked on his website took the media world by storm, and angered many in the governments of countries all over the world with their classified information.

Assange finally turned himself in to authorities in England, but not because of the release of the documents on his website, but for a "sex crime in Sweden." He has now been denied bail by the British court, who is stating the arrest is only due to the evidence stating the "sexual misconduct" between him and two Swedish female WikiLeaks volunteers. Will justice be served, or will Assange walk away a free man?

The article: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B61PX20101208

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