Tuesday, December 7, 2010

AT&T Users, This Is For You

According to a survey done by Consumer Reports, AT&T was voted the worst cellphone service carrier. The poll, which 58,000 people participated in, states that users are unhappy with their AT&T service.

Granted, more than half of those polled had iPhones, so the numbers get a little off, it is surprising that AT&T would have such a low approval rate. I rarely hear friends who own iPhones complain of about their service provider. It is usually the other way around, with me complaining about T-Mobile, and them suggesting I switch my carrier over to AT&T and invest in an iPhone.

Maybe now I will think twice about paying extra just to have AT&T and an iPhone. As much as I want one, I love my Blackberry too much.

The article can be found here: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/technologylive/post/2010/12/consumer-reports-att-the-worst-carrier/1

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