Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Google Pits Itself Against Amazon

Just in time for the holiday season, Google has just announced it's new eReader, the Google eBook, and it's very own Google eBookstore. It's begs me to ask the question of whether or not it will be just as good as Amazon's Kindle device? Apparently, right after Google made their announcement, Amazon brought forth their own new venture, a desktop web e-reader. With Google's device, you can use any browser, whereas with Amazon's Kindle, you can't. Who will win the war of profits? We'll just have to wait and see...

Unfortunately for both companies, I prefer to have the physical, paper-ed book in hand rather then by reading it off an electronic screen.

Article: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9200319/Google_vs._Amazon_Clash_of_the_booksellers?taxonomyId=71

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