Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More Bad News For Cell-Phone Owners

A study coming out of Time Magazines Health section recently talks of the new concerns for pregnant mothers and their cell-phone usage and whether or not it affects the children in the long run.

Apparently, if a mother who is pregnant talks on the cell-phone regularly while the baby is still growing insider her, there is more of a chance that the child will have behavioral and developmental problems in the future. Although not being entirely conclusive, the data so far shows that out of 100,000 (Danish) children and parents surveyed between 1996 and 2002 that there is some increase in inattention and hyperactivity in the children of mothers who frequently used cellular phones while pregnant (and after the child was born).

Not only do we as a society of technologically-dependent people have to worry about cell-phones possibly having a link to brain cancer and tumors, we now have to be (possibly) concerned about the pregnant mothers and their unborn children.

Article: http://healthland.time.com/2010/12/07/study-could-cell-phone-use-in-pregnancy-affect-kids-behavior/

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