Monday, October 25, 2010

Woman Loses Job After Failing Drug Test for Legal Prescriptions

A New York Times article from this past Sunday gives us the story of Mrs. Sue Bates, a woman who had been working for 22 years at a company that makes car parts, and how she lost her job after failing a drug test...for prescriptions she had legally prescribed to her by her doctor.

The prescription drug in question, Hydrocodone, a pain reliever, was given to her legally for back pain, but when she went to take a drug test required by her company, the narcotic showed up in her system and she was subsequently let go. Apparently there were new rules and regulations regarding the drug tests that listed her medication as "unsafe." Bates is now suing her former employer, Dura Automotive Systems, for discrimination and invasion of privacy.

This brings into question privacy issues because employers such as Dura can see what medications an employee is on, and for what, and deem whether or not it is appropriate in their work environment. This is a scary thought for everyone out there taking legally prescribed prescription medications. Who knows if this new form of drug-testing will hit where you work, and what the outcome may be.

The article can be found here:

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