Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More Bad News For Cell-Phone Owners

A study coming out of Time Magazines Health section recently talks of the new concerns for pregnant mothers and their cell-phone usage and whether or not it affects the children in the long run.

Apparently, if a mother who is pregnant talks on the cell-phone regularly while the baby is still growing insider her, there is more of a chance that the child will have behavioral and developmental problems in the future. Although not being entirely conclusive, the data so far shows that out of 100,000 (Danish) children and parents surveyed between 1996 and 2002 that there is some increase in inattention and hyperactivity in the children of mothers who frequently used cellular phones while pregnant (and after the child was born).

Not only do we as a society of technologically-dependent people have to worry about cell-phones possibly having a link to brain cancer and tumors, we now have to be (possibly) concerned about the pregnant mothers and their unborn children.

Article: http://healthland.time.com/2010/12/07/study-could-cell-phone-use-in-pregnancy-affect-kids-behavior/

Aspirin Prevents Cancer, Study Shows

A recent study today shows that people who take a low dose of aspirin (75mg) a day have a 20% lower risk of getting cancer (any form), than people who do not take it.

The research being conducted by Oxford University doctors and professors went over studies based on 25,000 people and found that the results were unanimous across the board. Although this may help to prevent cancer, there is no beneficial effects to taking aspirin every day when cancer has already taken over.

Article: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/An-aspirin-a-day-keeps-cancer-away-Study/articleshow/7063228.cms

Who's Laughing Now?: UK Gets Fat, Too

CBC News came out with a report from The European Commission and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development that "more than half of adults in the European Union are overweight or obese." The study reports that 50.1% are overweight, with an average of 15% claiming to be obese.

I just find this article highly ironic, and almost kind of fascinating, because most European views of America is that we are all fat hicks, but now it appears that the tables have turned and karma has been served.

Article: http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2010/12/07/overweight-obesity-eu-health.html

Sign Language Is Taking Over

USA Today reports that sign language is close to surpassing German as the third most studied language at colleges across the country. The standings as of right now have Spanish in the top slot as being the most studied by university students, than French, German, and surprisingly, Sign Language comes in, in the number four spot.

I think this is pretty great for all languages! Studying different languages gives you a broader sense of worldliness, and it definitely makes a person appear more cultured and well-rounded. I just find it surprising that Sign Language was number four when Italian is so readily available to most students in colleges across the country.

The article is here: http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2010-12-08-1Alanguages08_ST_N.htm

AT&T Users, This Is For You

According to a survey done by Consumer Reports, AT&T was voted the worst cellphone service carrier. The poll, which 58,000 people participated in, states that users are unhappy with their AT&T service.

Granted, more than half of those polled had iPhones, so the numbers get a little off, it is surprising that AT&T would have such a low approval rate. I rarely hear friends who own iPhones complain of about their service provider. It is usually the other way around, with me complaining about T-Mobile, and them suggesting I switch my carrier over to AT&T and invest in an iPhone.

Maybe now I will think twice about paying extra just to have AT&T and an iPhone. As much as I want one, I love my Blackberry too much.

The article can be found here: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/technologylive/post/2010/12/consumer-reports-att-the-worst-carrier/1

Google Pits Itself Against Amazon

Just in time for the holiday season, Google has just announced it's new eReader, the Google eBook, and it's very own Google eBookstore. It's begs me to ask the question of whether or not it will be just as good as Amazon's Kindle device? Apparently, right after Google made their announcement, Amazon brought forth their own new venture, a desktop web e-reader. With Google's device, you can use any browser, whereas with Amazon's Kindle, you can't. Who will win the war of profits? We'll just have to wait and see...

Unfortunately for both companies, I prefer to have the physical, paper-ed book in hand rather then by reading it off an electronic screen.

Article: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9200319/Google_vs._Amazon_Clash_of_the_booksellers?taxonomyId=71

WikiLeaks Founder Finally Caught and Denied Bail

This story stemming from reuters.com explains the capture of Julian Assange, a man authorities in the U.S., England, Sweden, and many other countries, have been trying to track down for months. The controversial documents he leaked on his website took the media world by storm, and angered many in the governments of countries all over the world with their classified information.

Assange finally turned himself in to authorities in England, but not because of the release of the documents on his website, but for a "sex crime in Sweden." He has now been denied bail by the British court, who is stating the arrest is only due to the evidence stating the "sexual misconduct" between him and two Swedish female WikiLeaks volunteers. Will justice be served, or will Assange walk away a free man?

The article: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B61PX20101208