Saturday, October 23, 2010

Woman Drives Around With Corpse in Car for Months

An article stemming from Aol news this past Saturday talks of a California woman who drove around with the mummified remains of an elderly homeless woman for what could be between three to ten months. The woman, a former real estate agent, apparently had befriended the homeless woman in December and let her sleep in her car, but one day found her dead. Instead of telling anyone about the death, the woman drove around with the corpse in the passenger seat until police noticed a smell being emitted from the parked car and broke in, subsequently finding the body of a 50-60 year old woman.

Police are still questioning after an autopsy on the body revealed no signs of foul play, but the cause of death is still a mystery.

This story is just weird, and I think that is why I was drawn to it. Every day I see cause for concern regarding the human race. There is always going to be weird people out there doing crazy things, and I think I just need to accept the fact that the world is just one messed up place if people are driving around with mummified bodies in their car.

For the article, go here:


  1. I blogged about this article too. I think it's so crazy that an individual can drive around with a dead person in their car for months. The body alone is enough for me to turn it in, aside from the smell. It makes you wonder what else she or anyone is capable of if they can endure such a thing. I don't understand why she didn't report it. I get that she was probably afraid they'd point the finger at her, but the woman was homeless and this lady was being nice. I'm sure she wouldn't have had an issue, but now she does. Makes you wonder if it was worth it to her. She's probably regretting it, but people do crazy thing in certain circumstances when they panic. Just crazy.

  2. I agree. People are just crazy sometimes and get these weird ideas in their heads.
