Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quran Burning and A Florida Pastor

An article stemming from the recent event of a planned "Quran burning" by a Florida pastor has finally come to it's ultimate conclusion. "An evangelist in contact with the Rev. Terry Jones said the Florida pastor 'has agreed in principle' not to burn copies of the Quran (" The proposed Quran burning protest/demonstration, led by Rev. Jones, was the result of the planned mosque construction near Ground Zero in NYC. Just days before the event was to take place, the Reverend himself was debating whether or not he would actually follow through with his radical plans to set fire to Islam's version of the Bible, although, he couldn't seem to give a clear decision.

According to the CNN article, his decision to halt the actual protest was due to a meeting with the man in charge of the mosque building in NYC, imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, but here's where it becomes messy. Apparently, Rev. Jones told reporters that Rauf told him he would move the location of the mosque if Jones called off the Quran burning. This was quickly shot down by Rauf's mediator, imam Mohammad Musri, who stated, "That's not what I offered him."

So, the rest of the world is stuck debating whether to believe in Jones' story, or Musri's and Rauf's. I, personally, feel like Jones is taking matters too far. It's radical in nature the burning of a religion's holy book, but I am still torn about the building of a mosque so close to a place where so many people died due to the muslim terrorists. I feel that the mosque should be built in another location, and not in a place where there is so much controversy. It's almost like a slap in the face to Americans, even if Rauf's intentions are good, it's just not right. I think both sides need to take into consideration the issue as a whole before they start jumping into things so quickly.

(The article is located here:

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