Friday, September 10, 2010

Muslims vs. The U.S.

While perusing articles from Time magazines website, I came across an article relating to American's fears of Muslims and their religion. The article in question brings forth a case out of rural Wisconsin involving a Muslim, Dr. Mansoor Mirza, who is trying to erect a mosque on property he owns in a neighboring town. When Mirza stepped in front of the committee awaiting their decision, he was hit with some of the worries and fears many Americans keep bottled up in regards to race, religion, and morality. These fears were only hastened even more when the planned mosque in New York City came to surface. Where does all this hostility and fear stem from? Well, it's most-likely a result of the terrible events that took place on September 11th, but it may also be more than just that.

Personally, I believe that many American citizens are scared of the outcome of what the aftershock would be like if these mosques were built. We all fear terrorism because jihadists are still out there plotting and planning, and the promotion of anything associated with the Islamic religion definitely strikes a chord. When we hold our tongues on such critical issues and bottle up what we want to say, it's only bound to burst out of us, and sometimes in stereotypical and hateful ways.

The resulting backlash from Americans if the mosques are built would be catastrophic. The same goes for if the mosques aren't built. It's a double-edged sword issue, and one that will, no matter what the outcome is, hold a place in history and haunt U.S. citizens for years to come.

(The article I referenced can be found here:,8599,2011798,00.html

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