Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea, Debunked?

Recent reports and epxeriments say there may be an explanation to the passge in the Bible's "Book of Exodus" that explains the parting of the Red Sea by God to allow Moses and the Israelites to pass through. According to the US National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the "phenomenon" of "wind setdown" may be the explanation we (may or may not have) needed. The event of wind setdown is a rare happening in which heavy winds push water someplace else to pool and can cause effects similar to the parting of the seas. This is interesting and all, but apparently there would need to have been "hurricane-force winds" and a rare kind of geological layuout on the seabed for this to actually occur. So, in other words, there would have to have been a hurricane, and the perfect geographical location for the winds to part the sea and create safe passage.

If you really wish to believe that it was divine miracle or not, there is a brief video simulation on the website regarding this article, but I know I personally believe that tehre is not such thing as "divine intervention," not even for the beloved Israelites. I am a skeptic at heart, and, although this is highly interesting, it doesn't really stir any kind of truth in me.

The article can be found here:


  1. I posted this article (or one like it) on Facebook as soon as I came upon it. I think it's great that the mysterious parting of the Red Sea can be explained by science and 63mph winds instead of the help of "God." Granted, even though there is scientific evidence that this does occur and most likely is what happened when Moses parted the sea, people will still believe what they want, especially those who are extremely religious. I feel with this new evidence that it was just a shear coincident that Moses arrived at the sea at the same time the winds were blowing fast enough to part the water. Of course many may even speculate that if Moses himself did not part the sea, then it was God who brought the winds down from Heaven to help part the sea for him. I'm sure there is controversy regarding this and many other Biblical stories which are scientifically proven.

  2. I hear ya on that! I myself am a horribly skeptic person (and I like to consider myself a realist most of the time), so I always have my reservations when it comes to these seemingly "divine miracles." I just have a hard time believing things that haven't been proved the scientific way...even if I am a devout Roman Catholic haha.
