Monday, March 29, 2010


Health-Care Reform...It's something that's been on my mind since the election. What does this new bill mean for people my age? Does it mean that I will be covered forever, and not have to worry about being kicked from my health insurance company because I am too poor to afford to live? I honestly don't know what to think about this new bill. I grew up in a very conservative household, and I, myself, am a registered Republican, so this kind of thing has me shaking in my boots. I found myself perusing articles on, but quickly switched over to the hot topic of the week on, Health-Care Reform, and the passage of the bill.
My mind is boggled by this. I am not one to really follow such hard-hitting topics as health-care, even if it means a life-changing turn in Obama's presidency, and, according to Politics Daily writer Patricia Murphy: "the defining domestic issue of his presidency."
I am afraid, however, of what this means for me in the future. The idea of "tax increases" on the upper class is a much-needed plan for this bill, but the thought of that not being enough to fund this huge reform is troubling. Because, once it becomes too expensive, and the Bill Gates' of America start complaining about being unable to afford the tax-hike any longer, than the taxes wil than be placed on the middle-class Americans, such as myself and my family. Now, already we find it tough to maske end's meet. My parents both work (and have been working ever since my sister's and I were born), and they have to worry about putting 3 children through college, pay off the cars, and deal with the mortgage for a house that is already too small for 5 people. I am not saying that things were going to be easy without the inclusion of a health-care bill, but once the middle-class starts getting taxed (and there is no doubt in my mind that we won't), than it will become unbearably difficult, and the little money in my parent's wallets is going to become even more constricted.
I am afraid for the future. I don't know what to think anymore. It is just something I wanted to bring up on this blog because 1.) I cannot fully grasp its impact, and 2.) It's a hot topic that we should all be looking at.

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