Monday, May 10, 2010

Suicide Awareness

Suicide is a big issue when it comes to college students and college campuses. Many students each year commit suicide on countless college campuses each year, and the threat is becoming ever-worsening with these hard, economic times. That is why I believe there should be better suicide awareness at Western Connecticut State University. The only thing we have going for these at-risk students is a Counseling Center on campus hat not many people know about. I feel like there should be yearly (maybe even monthly) reminders about awareness of such a troubling issue. Newsletters can be handed out on campus for incoming students letting them know there is a counseling center available if needed, and events like 'To Write Love on Her Arms' held annually to further that awareness. This potentially devastating problem has an easy fix, we just need to get on top of it and keep students (and faculty) aware. Awareness is key, and we must try our best!

Betty White Has Still Got It!

This past Saturday there was a special first-ever event on the television show Saturday Night Live: Betty White was hosting! The 88-year old legend was hosting after her extensive years in show-business, after a viral campaign on Facebook allowed people to rally for her own hosting gig. It certainly payed-off, and the show, according to, had its highest ratings in "18 months."

White, who has been around for almost three decades, rolled with the punches and showed the rest of the SNL-world that she was just as quick-witted and snarky as they come. I, myself, watched the event take place, and let me tell you, Betty White burned up that stage! That episode is likely to go down in history as one of the greatest comedic events on SNL's stage.

To read the full article, or watch any unaired clips from the show, go to:|main|dl2|link3|