Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tyler Ventre, an Intervie

Name: Tyler Ventre
Born: February 9, 1988 in Bridgeport, CT

Kyle: So, Tyler, do you currently live in B-port?
Tyler: No, I live in Bethel.

Kyle: Do you enjoy living in CT?
Tyler: I guess, it's a good place to live.

Kyle: And where do you work and what do you do there?
Tyler: I currently work at Stew Leonards. I am a cashier, but I also do kid's parties and dress up as Batman, Spiderman, and Wow the Cow.

Kyle: And do you like that job?
Tyler: It's okay. It's fun, and I get to work with a lot of great people.

Kyle: Okay, so, why'd you come to Westconn?
Tyler: It's a good school and close to home. Plus, it's cheap.

Kyle: What are you majoring in?
Tyler: Elementary Ed. in writing.

Kyle: And what do you plan on doing with that in the future?
Tyler: I want to teach kindergarten, or possibly be a singer/songwriter, but maybe just on the side.

Kyle: So, what are your hobbies?
Tyler: I like to write lyrics, play slide-guitar and the harmonica. I like to go on walks, too.

Kyle: What got you started in playing the harmonica?
Tyler: I heard them play it in Aerosmith before, and than I got one for Christmas and decided to start playing it.

Kyle: Have you ever been in a band before?
Tyler: I tried to start a few, but they never happened.

Kyle: What position would you play in the band?
Tyler: Lead vocals and harmonica.

Kyle: And what type of music do/would you play?
Tyler: Blues and rock, but I like to experiment. Probably progressive rock, too.

Kyle: Is there a certain type of music you won't listen to?
Tyler: Mostly boy bands and pop stuff like Britney Spears and Beyonce.

Kyle: Okay, and finally, if you had the opportunity to play with any band in the world, who would you play with?
Tyler: Hands down, AC/DC!